Bonnie Hoover
Frederick, MD
Bonnie Hoover is a self-taught artist from Hume, Virginia. Despite a lifetime of being ‘artsy’, she didn't commit to creating intentionally until being diagnosed with cancer in 2018. Unable to keep teaching after a surgery, she resigned herself to the couch with a pillow, clipboard and a new pen for the next few weeks. That was the beginning of a new chapter in her life, full of intention, exploration and determination. Bonnie now lives in Frederick, Maryland and works as a children’s librarian.
Artistically, she takes inspiration from the mountains and forest surrounding her studio. Forever seeking out new ways to do things, Bonnie employs a variety of techniques and mediums to create her pieces, ranging from two inches to two feet in size.
She has studied under Deirdre Saunder, of the Art League and Doug Moulden of The Eastside Artists Gallery, and has taken on several commissions for private collection in Alexandria, VA.
Bonnie works primarily under her business name of Atlas Outpost, teaching classes and displaying work in stores across the state of Maryland. On weekends from April to December, you can find Bonnie selling her work at wineries, breweries and festivals around Frederick.